Q MAX PREMIUM is a daily micronutrient complex that delivers maximum absorption and essential nutritional support for body and brain health.*
Q DIGEST has 11 natural enzymes designed to speed and ease the digestion of everything in your healthy diet. Better digestion helps you to boost nutrient absorption, leave the “bloat” behind, and enjoy your favorite foods again.
Q ALIGN is designed to support a healthy body response to inflammation, supporting mobility and helping reduce inflammation-associated aches.*
Q BIOTICS TOTAL is a soil-sourced spore probiotic and prebiotic herbal blend that provides a gentle detox and helps normalize digestive issues.*
Q TRIM PLUS Formulated to achieve a lasting, leaner look by fighting your body’s natural tendency to keep and store fat. When you restrict calories or increase physical activity, your gut microbiome can send “setpoint” signals to encourage fat loss.*
Q DAILY DETOX Herbal Tea This subtle yet effective emerald tea is designed to cleanse and purify your body’s detox pathways. When you cleanse and purify, you feel lighter and eliminate toxins. You might even lose weight, too.
T30 Pack Includes:
- 1 Q CORE
- 1 Q DAILY DETOX Herbal Tea
Wholesale Price | 279 |
PV | 160 |
ds_itemId | 00000 |
Ingestible CBD | No |
Show in Category (Featured and Promotions) | No |
Autoship | No |
hide for purchase | No |